Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hello Everyone! How's everybody? I am Anna Yu! Nice to meet you all! Isn't it exciting? I'm ready to get a better knowledge of photography!

But first, let me tell you all a little something about me first.
I live in Markham, I had studied my first 2 post-secondary years at York University (not long ago) and have started studying at George Brown just recently a few months ago (May 2010). I changed from planning to go into teaching to now, the baking and pastry arts management. I love baking, I'm doing co-op now and loving it every second. It's great to have that feeling in which your passionate about.

I like photography, although I must be honest, I have never taken any courses regarding photography. I mean i'm very interested in learning the whole aspect and techniques but I do not have much knowledge of and I hope that this course will help me learn more about photography. Although I may not have a beautiful camera like those DSLRs but at times I love taking pictures of anything other than myself =) Whenever I get a chance to go somewhere new and special to me, I take loads of photos but its always places and things/objects. I hope whoever has experience in this field can give me some good tips on taking pictures, I would love to learn! What an excitement!!! =)

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